Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010 - National Ferret Day

Did you know that today is National Ferret Day? I didn’t either until I looked at my Petco Foundation  calendar this morning. But a quick google search reveals that National Ferret Day has been on the National Special Events Registry since 1995!

So in honor of Bam, our little bundle of snuggles that left us too soon, the others have come up with a list of ways to celebrate National Ferret Day:

As a rescued ferret himself, Dude would like for you to visit “Support Our Shelters” to find a ferret rescue & shelter organization near you. With thousands of ferrets in shelters all over the country, these organizations gladly welcome donations of time, money and supplies. Tell them Dude sent you.

As our most senior ferret, Robyn’s hope for National Ferret Day is that everyone becomes more educated about ferret care. Ferrets are totally different from the caged rodents they are too often mistaken for, yet their needs are also very different from those of dogs and cats. Robyn thinks that the best holiday for ferrets is every day in an educated ferret-friendly home. Robyn recommends Brenda’s Ferret Universe to get you started.

Bandit asks that everyone adopt one of his cousins, the Black-footed ferret. The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) are the only ferret species native to North America. The black-footed ferret is also one of the most endangered mammals in the world and has been on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service endangered species list since l967. Bandit likes to visit the and websites because he thinks his cousins look a lot like him with their dark masks!

Little Willie reminds us that ferrets are kissers, not criminals; so he wants you to help legalize ferrets in California. The ferrets sold in the USA as pets are a domesticated European species. They are typically already neutered before sale or adoption, and “in 1997 the Department of Fish and Game conducted a survey of all fifty state wildlife departments. The results of this survey clearly show that ferrets have never formed a feral colony or bred in the wild anywhere in the United States.” There is no valid reason for Californian ferrets owners to have be in fear every day that their domesticated ferrets will be confiscated and euthanized. Visit to see how you can help.

And Nona just wants you to bring your favorite ferrets some new toys... lots and lots of toys. So typical of Nona to be thinking about playtime! Tubes and durable tub toys are Nona’s favorites. She also loves bouncing around in her rice box. Everything Ferret has a great list of toy & game ideas. Or you can buy toys through Broward Ferret Rescue & Referral’s link to and a portion of your purchase will help support this fine ferret shelter too!

How will you celebrate National Ferret Day?

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